After 10 days in the ICU, I went to the surgical floor for a week and then a rehab hospital where I could not get out of bed without help. Two weeks of rehab, followed by home PT for a month and I am well on the way to recovery.
What lessons should you take from this experience?
First, let me remind you of my definition of “minor surgery:” surgery done on someone else. Something can always go wrong, so be very sure there are not non-surgical alternatives before agreeing to an operation.
Second, be your own advocate or have someone close assume that role. I was probably not insistent enough that studies were needed the day before everything went sour.
Third, be sure you have a written health care proxy and have reviewed it with your surrogate. Do you want to be on a ventilator? In what circumstances? This should be made explicit.
Fortunately, my tale has a happy ending, but that was far from guaranteed.
On another note, the newest Alzheimer’s drug has been reported to great fanfare, but I urge caution. As is all-too-often true with new drugs, the benefit was "statistically significant" but I was not impressed with the clinical benefit, and the two deaths in the trial remain to be explained. More when I have a chance to read the full paper.
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Welcome back to the land of the living, Big Ed. A scary tale, but we can all profit from it. Wishing you the speediest possible recovery. Hard to think of words that don't sound like boilerplate, but there it is.